Creative Content for
Content Creators
Online Film school for Makers
Start your channel 10 steps ahead of other makers with all of the secrets only pros know.
Learn how pros can churn out epic content week after week.
Why do certain lights, mics, and cameras cost so much, what do I need, and how do I use them?
Instead of loathing the edit, learn how to do it three times faster, and up your game
Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.
Live Zoom Session
These are open sessions for you to ask questions or listen to what questions other Makers might ask about their productions.

Get Started like a pro
Join us at confereces and festivals like Workbenchcon, Haven, Catskills Maker Camp, Maker Faire, and more
These classes are four years of film school compressed into two hours.
Starting with pre-production and proper planning, to production equipment, production techniques, and post-production.
These custom-tailored private training classes cover four years of film school over six nights with hands-on experience through every step.
Custom classes can be done remotely or locally from our multi-cam studio where you have one-on-one interaction with your instructor and homework each week to build out a full project.
As a sample of the content covered in the 2-hour and 6-session bootcamps, viewers get the basic information and understanding in short bursts.
Maker sure to start at the beginning with proper pre-produciton